Private Work Fees
This Practice will charge for all non-NHS service/report/prescription (other than those excluded by The Department of Health) provided by any member of the practice team.
To ensure that all patients are treated equitably the team will follow the procedure.
To counter any accusations of impropriety doctors will never handle cash or take payments.
The receptionists only will handle payments. To reduce confusion/errors ‘Reception’ will control the process in its entirety.
The appointments at this practice are for clinical issues only administrative matters will not be dealt with in clinical time all such matters will be directed in the first instance to reception.
The practice follows the BMA guidelines with regards to fees
The following list is an example of services which will require a fee:
- Travel Vaccinations
- Medical Examinations for Insurance companies etc.
- Passport Applications
- Private Letters: mitigations, housing, fit to fly etc.
- Private Sick Notes
- Private Prescriptions
- Pregnancy Tests
- Malarone Tablets